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ICSD's Staff ICSD's dedicated staff includes experts from various fields, such as architecture, business, economics, and urban planning. We utilize our international and sustainable development experience in the Center's projects. |
List of Current Staff: President - John Spears jspears@solarcities.org Senior Research Fellow - Dr. D. I. Bloyd jai@solarcities.org Solar Energy Expert - Peter Lowenthal Architect & Urban Planner - Wei H. Smith whs@solarcities.org Eco-Industrial Development Director - Ernest Lowe
President --
Chief Executive Officer -- Andrew W. Van Rest Mr. Van Rest is the Chief Executive Officer of the International Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD). As part of his work at this Center, Mr. Van Rest is under contract with the US Department of Energy (USDOE) to assist the China Ministry of Science and Technology in developing and implementing a Hydrogen Energy Strategy for the transition of China to a hydrogen-energy-based economy. He has also been actively involved in a USDOE/China Program of Cooperation for the Greening of the Beijing 2008 Olympics.
Mr. Van Rest has held senior management positions with USDOE, where he managed several highly-visible international programs, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs, the US-China Protocol for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and the Department’s Asia and International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs. He also represented USDOE as the Chairman of the APEC Renewable Energy Group, Chairman of the APEC Energy Efficiency Group, and Departmental Representative to the IEA Energy Technology Demonstration Center.
While at Department of Energy, Mr. Van Rest also served as the National Director of the USDOE Weatherization Program, National Director of the Residential and Commercial Conservation Program, and Director of the Systems Analysis Group. Prior to his employment at USDOE, Mr. Van Rest was employed as a statistician with the US Government and as Assistant Professor of Economics and Business at Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma.
Mr. Van Rest holds a BA and MA in Economics from the University of Missouri and completed all the course work and comprehensive exams for a PhD in Econometrics at the University of Oklahoma.
Senior Research Fellow -- Dr. D. I. Bloyd Dr. D.I. Bloyd received her B.S. in Economics and M.S. in Development Economics in Thailand before she received her Ph.D. in Mineral and Energy Resources Economics in the U.S. She has managed and participated in a wide range of projects in the areas of energy and environment, energy modeling and forecasting, and climate change issues in both Asia and United States. Her experience in Thailand includes work for the Thai government through NGOs in Thailand as a research fellow at Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) and later as the Director of the Energy and Environment Program at Thailand Environment Institute (TEI). Her work experience in the U.S. includes a research fellow at the Minerals Policy Program and the Program on Resources of the East-West Center in Hawaii, and an STA (Special Term Appointment) of Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago. She also has experience in working in other Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) countries through her work at the East-West Center in Hawaii, the work that she has been doing with the US Department of Energy APEC Program, and the research that she conducted directly for the APEC Energy Working Group. Her work has included, for example, the "Thailand Country Study on Climate Change" to determine greenhouse gas mitigation options for the Thai energy sector and provide input to the development of Thailand's national strategy on climate change under the UNFCCC. Another study was conducted for the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, "Electricity and Environment in Thailand," to examine alternative electricity demand and supply scenarios over the next 30 years. She also conducted a country level energy modeling analysis for the APEC Secretariat in Singapore to examine renewable energy roles in a country's long-term energy plan. The study was based on case examples of four selected APEC countries—the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and China—and three energy system models—MARKAL, ENPEP, and LEAP. Full Curriculum Vitae
Solar Energy Expert -- Peter Lowenthal Peter is currently the Director of the Solar Energy Research and Education Foundation (SEREF) and he works as a consultant for ICSD. He works on developing programs that open markets for solar technology in the developing world. He travels heavily to developing nations to introduce solar companies and their technologies to those who need energy for rural areas. In 1976-78, Peter served in the Peace Corps as an agricultural extension agent stationed in Paraguay. He speaks both English and Spanish fluently. Full Curriculum Vitae
Senior Scientist -- Dr. Cary N. Bloyd Dr. Bloyd is currently a Collaborating Fellow at ICSD. He is on an assignment to ICSD from the United States Department of Energy (USDOE)’s Argonne National Laboratory where he is an Energy and Environmental Policy Scientist. Dr. Bloyd’s previous assignments include Executive Director of the APEC Sustainable Development Network in Portland, Oregon, Director of the Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Center at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Manager of the Energy and Environmental System Program at the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research in Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. Bloyd has managed and participated in a range of projects associated with the development, and integrated assessment of energy and environmental technologies for the USDOE. His research had ranged from the examination of individual energy technologies to international energy and environmental policies. Project areas have ranged from the development of analytical models of energy systems, to the analysis and development of US National Energy Policy, to international energy and environmental analysis with an emphasis on global climate change. Dr. Bloyd has been involved for the last 8 years with the USDOE’s Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) program. His APEC activities have involved work with the Energy Working Group’s Expert Group on Energy Efficiency and Conservation, the Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies, and the Energy for Sustainable Communities Program. Dr. Bloyd received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania majoring in Engineering and Public Policy. He received his M.E. also from Carnegie Mellon University in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering & Public Policy, and his B.S. degree from University of Oklahoma in Mechanical Engineering. Full Curriculum Vitae
Architect/Urban Planner -- Wei Huang Smith
Wei graduated from
Virginia Tech with a Master degree
in Urban and Regional Planning,
after she earned
her architecture Bachelor degree in
Beijing, China.
She has a strong interest in
environmental protection and GIS.
She provides advice to the Center's
projects and is the webmaster of
this website.
Director of Eco-Industrial & Rural Development - Ernest Lowe Ernie Lowe has played a central role in creating the concept of eco-industrial parks (EIP) as a model for local sustainable development. He is Director of Indigo Development, a research and consulting center for applying industrial ecology to design of the built environment and sustainable farming, as well as industrial development. He has been active in eco-industrial development work in Asia since 1998. He is an advisor to China Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy, State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA). He is also Chief Scientist of the Center for Eco-Planning and Development at Dalian University of Technology, China. |
Updated 07/14/04 |
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International Center for Sustainable Development
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Email: info@SolarCities.org
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